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- # liblouis: Canadian French Grade 1 Table
- ###############################################################################
- # BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the Linux console (when in
- # text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
- #
- #
- # This is free software, placed under the terms of the
- # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
- # Foundation. Please see the file COPYING for details.
- #
- # Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
- #
- # This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc>.
- ###############################################################################
- # DΘfinitions pour code braille franτais international unifiΘ
- # Par Nicolas Pitre <nico@cam.org>
- # RΘfΘrence: http://www.inlb.qc.ca/apropos/c2003unificationdubraille.aspx
- # Uncontracted Unified French Table
- # ----------------------------------
- include text_nabcc.dis
- space \t 0 tab # 9
- space \x000A 0
- space \x000D 0
- space \x00A0 0
- space \s 0 blank # 32
- uplow Aa 1 lettre a x0041 / 0061
- uplow Bb 12 lettre b x0042 / 0062
- uplow Cc 14 lettre c
- uplow Dd 145 lettre d
- uplow Ee 15 lettre e
- uplow Ff 124 lettre f
- uplow Gg 1245 lettre g
- uplow Hh 125 lettre h
- uplow Ii 24 lettre i
- uplow Jj 245 lettre j
- uplow Kk 13 lettre k
- uplow Ll 123 lettre l
- uplow Mm 134 lettre m
- uplow Nn 1345 lettre n
- uplow Oo 135 lettre o
- uplow Pp 1234 lettre p
- uplow Qq 12345 lettre q
- uplow Rr 1235 lettre r
- uplow Ss 234 lettre s
- uplow Tt 2345 lettre t
- uplow Uu 136 lettre u
- uplow Vv 1236 lettre v
- uplow Xx 1346 lettre x
- uplow Yy 13456 lettre y
- uplow Zz 1356 lettre z x005A / 007A
- uplow ╟τ 12346 c cΘdille
- uplow ╔Θ 123456 e accent aigu
- uplow └α 12356 a accent grave
- uplow ╚Φ 2346 e accent grave
- uplow ┘∙ 23456 u accent grave
- uplow ┬Γ 16 a accent circonflexe
- uplow ╩Ω 126 e accent circonflexe
- uplow ╬ε 146 i accent circonflexe
- uplow ╘⌠ 1456 o accent circonflexe
- uplow █√ 156 u accent circonflexe
- uplow ╦δ 1246 e trΘma
- uplow ╧∩ 12456 i trΘma
- uplow ▄ⁿ 1256 u trΘma
- # uplow oe 246 oe ligatur
- uplow \x0152\x0153 246
- uplow Ww 2456 lettre w x0057 / 0077
- punctuation , 2 virgule
- punctuation ; 23 point-virgule
- punctuation : 25 deux-points
- punctuation . 256 point
- punctuation ? 26 point d'interrogation
- punctuation ! 235 point d'exclamation
- punctuation " 5 guillemt
- punctuation ( 236 parenthΦse ouvrante
- sign * 35 astΘrisque
- punctuation ) 356 parenthΦse fermante
- punctuation ' 3 apostrophe
- math / 34 barre oblique
- sign @ 4 arobas
- sign % 246 pour cent
- punctuation - 36 trait d'union
- sign # 3456 diΦse
- digit 0 245 zΘro
- digit 1 1 un
- digit 2 12 deux
- digit 3 14 trois
- digit 4 145 quatre
- digit 5 15 cinq
- digit 6 124 six
- digit 7 1245 sept
- digit 8 125 huit
- digit 9 24 neuf
- sign \x00A8 46 diaeresis sign
- # always n 34 divisΘ par
- math \x00F7 34
- math + 346 plus
- math = 2356 Θgal
- math ╫ 35 multipliΘ par
- math < 126 infΘrieur α
- math > 345 supΘrieur α
- sign ⌐ 5-14 copyright
- sign ░ 145 degrΘ
- sign & 23456 perluΦte (et commercial)
- sign ó 14 cent
- sign ñ 45-15 euro
- sign ú 45-123 livre
- sign º 45-1234 paragraphe
- sign $ 4-234 dollar
- sign Ñ 45-13456 yen
- punctuation ½ 45-2356 guillemet franτais ouvrant
- punctuation ╗ 2356-12 guillemet franτais fermant
- punctuation [ 45-236 crochet droit ouvrant
- punctuation ] 356-12 crochet droit fermant
- punctuation { 6-236 accolade de gauche
- punctuation } 356-3 accolade de droite
- sign ╣ 6 exposant 1
- sign ▓ 4-6-126 exposant 2
- sign │ 4-6-146 exposant 3
- sign ╝ 6-16-34-1456 un quart
- sign ╜ 6-16-34-126 un demi
- sign ╛ 6-126-34-1456 trois quarts
- capsign 46 indicateur de majuscule
- begcaps 46-46 succession de majuscules
- numsign 3456 prΘfixe pour les chiffres
- midnum \s 3 espace entre les chiffres
- midnum , 2
- midnum . 256
- midnum - 36
- midnum + 346 plus
- midnum / 34
- midnum : 25
- sign \x00B7 56
- sign \x00B8 45
- endnum # 56-3456
- sign _ 456 soulignΘ
- repeated \s 0 espaces
- repeated \t 0 tabulations
- repeated \x00a0 0 espaces insΘcables
- repeated ... 256-256-256 points de suite
- repeated --- 36-36-36
- repeated ___ 456-456-456
- always \s--\s 36-36 tiret